Today, we celebrate a significant milestone in the history of security in Tanzania. The Tanzania Security Industry Association (TSIA) marks 20 years since its inception, a milestone celebrated with enthusiasm at the 16th Annual General Meeting held on June 19, 2024, at the Midland Hotel Conference Hall in Dodoma.

Government Commendation
The government, through a speech by Chief Guest Kassim Majaliwa, delivered by the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Daniel Sillo, commended TSIA for its substantial contribution to the security sector. The association has employed approximately three thousand (3,000) youths, thus helping to reduce the number of young people engaging in informal and criminal activities.

“You provide essential services to our community by protecting people and their property. I congratulate you on your domestic investment and good relationships with other security and safety agencies such as the Police Force and Fire and Rescue Services,” said Sillo.

Trust and Cooperation
In his speech, Sillo emphasized the importance of trust and cooperation between guards and the public. He noted that TSIA guards have been instrumental in providing crime and criminal information, thereby contributing to maintaining peace and security in the country.

“I urge you to adhere to the laws of the country, especially human rights laws. Taking the law into your own hands to punish criminals is wrong and contrary to the principles of good governance,” Sillo stated.

Challenges and Future Outlook
Sillo acknowledged the challenges highlighted in TSIA’s address but praised the association’s resilience and strong leadership. He stressed the importance of discipline and patience among TSIA members, along with improving the welfare of employees to enhance daily performance.

Without proper benefits, many workers find themselves demotivated, making them vulnerable to being lured into criminal activities. Reports of some security guards being involved in criminal conspiracies, including lending out weapons under the pretext of being robbed, were also addressed.

Moving Forward
As TSIA looks to the future, it is crucial to continue building on its strong foundation and addressing the challenges faced by its members. By focusing on improving the working conditions and benefits of its employees, the association can ensure a more motivated and effective workforce, further contributing to the safety and security of Tanzania.

In celebrating this milestone, we acknowledge the significant strides TSIA has made in the security sector and look forward to continued growth and success in the years to come. Congratulations to the Tanzania Security Industry Association on 20 years of dedicated service to the nation!

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